You are here: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Creating/Changing New Purchase Orders > Automatic Back to Back

Automatic Back to Back

Once a back to back sales order has been processed, linked back to back purchase orders can be created from the Utilities > Create Purchase Orders. This option is greyed out until the sales order is processed. The orders are created on the default supplier(s) for the items being ordered. The supplier can be changed before the purchase order is first saved.


1. Sales Back to Back Sales Orders
2. Select the relevant sales order from the search window - status must be Processed
3. Click Utilities > Create Purchase Orders
4. One or more new purchase orders are created for the default supplier(s) for the items on back order on the sales order
5. Change supplier if needed before saving the purchase order
6. Adjust prices, delivery dates as needed. Add Comments lines if required
7. Save the purchase order
8. Click Set Status accordingly
9. Close that purchase order
10. Repeat Steps 5 to 9 for additional purchase orders

The inventory record tab Order > On Back Order shows the details for that item - the sales order number and the purchase order that the fulfil that back order

Once stock has been received in for the back to back purchase order(s), Process Back Orders is used to allocate the stock to the linked sales order

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